Experimental Markup Approach

We’re trying something new with the way we’ve marked up these documents. We’re using a mix of HTML and some experimental tags that may not be recognized by all browsers. If your browser is having a hard time reading our pages, please let us know. It’s like trying a new cooking technique; sometimes it works perfectly, and sometimes we need to tweak it a bit.

Unfinished Document Collection

Our document collection is a work in progress. Picture it as a half-finished painting—some parts are beautifully detailed, while others are still sketches. We’re working to provide adequate context for each link, but we’re not quite there yet. We appreciate your patience as we complete this masterpiece.

Structural Integrity and SGML

The primary pages follow a unique version of an HTML+ DTD. This approach bends some rules of SGML, kind of like adding a twist to a classic recipe. The placement of anchors (those clickable links) might seem random, but they should still work. If they don’t, let us know, and we’ll fix them.

Citation and Attribution

Some links or data might not be perfectly cited or attributed. This isn’t intentional—it’s like forgetting to add a dash of salt to a dish. In some cases, we’ve mirrored files from other websites for backup purposes, always striving to mention the original URL. If you find any issues with these archived copies, please alert us, and we’ll correct them promptly.

Broken Links and Redundancy

Links to external sites may occasionally be broken because remote file systems change. We’ve tried to build redundancy, like having a backup plan when your first choice doesn’t work out. If you encounter a broken link, try navigating from the top of the path and work your way down to find the new location. If a local link is broken, let us know, and we’ll get it fixed.

Editing and Spell Checking

We haven’t done extensive spell checking or careful editing yet. If you spot any glaring errors or funny typos, please report them. It’s like proofreading a friend’s essay—we appreciate the extra set of eyes.

No Guarantees

We can’t guarantee the accuracy, currency, or truthfulness of the information on this site. Think of it as advice from a friend—it’s well-intentioned but not legally binding. The author assumes no liability for any misuse of these documents, and no organizations mentioned are responsible either.

Legal Stuff: Trademarks and Copyright

Many names on this site are registered trademarks of various companies. While we’ve tried to use the appropriate symbols (® and ™), there may be some omissions. All such trademarks belong to their respective owners. If you spot any errors, let us know, and we’ll correct them based on available resources.

Use of Trademarks

For more information on our editorial practices regarding the use of trademarks, refer to our revised statement. We’re committed to respecting intellectual property rights.

Copyright Claims

We claim copyright for all original content within this document collection. Think of it as owning the recipe you’ve created. However, any content that belongs to other authors is, of course, exempt from our claim. Browsers need to request and receive an electronic copy to display the information, which might seem ironic, but that’s how the web works!