MDDL Code of Conduct: A Guide to Professionalism

At MDDL, we believe in maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct. Our code of conduct isn’t about introducing new beliefs or rules but reaffirming our enduring values and practices. Let’s explore what this means for each of us.

The Heart of Our Enterprise

The reputation of MDDL hinges on the quality of our products and services, our business integrity, and the independence and integrity of our publications. Imagine our reputation as the backbone of our company. Without a strong backbone, we can’t stand tall. Similarly, without a solid reputation, we can’t thrive.

For our customers to trust us, they need to believe we are telling the truth. If they think we’re not being honest, or even if they have any valid reason to doubt us, we lose their trust. For MDDL to succeed, our customers must be confident that:

  • Our facts are accurate and presented fairly.
  • Our analyses reflect our best independent judgments, not influenced by personal preferences, sources, advertisers, or information providers.
  • Our opinions are genuine and represent our editorial philosophies.
  • There are no hidden agendas in our journalistic endeavors.

Many companies claim to operate with integrity. But for us at MDDL, the impact of our work on others’ lives and fortunes means we have a special responsibility. Each of us at MDDL plays a crucial role in upholding this responsibility.

Our Collective Responsibility

Every MDDL employee holds a position of trust. When you join MDDL, you accept the responsibility to uphold our policies on legal and ethical business practices. This means following all legal requirements and ethical guidelines and promoting ethical behavior among your colleagues and subordinates.

Integrity in business isn’t just for news employees or the legal department; it’s a necessity for everyone at MDDL. Business integrity means making decisions objectively and realistically, without personal bias.

Leading by Example

Managers at MDDL must be role models of ethical behavior. This involves demonstrating the highest standards of integrity in all dealings with employees, customers, and the broader community. Managers should avoid any actions that could damage MDDL’s reputation and always exercise sound business judgment.

A key part of leadership is fostering employees’ commitment to our principles and helping them make sound ethical judgments. Managers should communicate the importance of ethical conduct and support employees who voice concerns or seek guidance in potentially compromising situations.

Confidential Information

As an MDDL employee, any information you obtain during your employment belongs to MDDL. This includes unpublished news, information, advertising, and schedules. Sharing this information outside of MDDL, even with friends or family, is strictly prohibited.

Using MDDL’s confidential information for personal gain, such as making investment decisions, is also forbidden. You must not buy or sell securities or help others do so based on insider information until the third trading day after the information has been made public.

Confidentiality extends to information about MDDL itself. Employees must not disclose any company information for personal benefit or to others. This responsibility continues even after you leave MDDL.

Business Relationships and Activities

MDDL expects your undivided loyalty and focus on our business and customers. Using MDDL’s resources, name, or influence for personal gain is not allowed. All intellectual property developed during your employment belongs to MDDL.

Our success depends on our customers’ success. We must deliver high-quality products and services timely. Business dealings should be transparent and in the best interest of both MDDL and our customers.

Employees should not offer or accept gifts, entertainment, or reimbursements that exceed nominal value or customary courtesies. A modest meal is acceptable, but anything beyond that requires careful consideration.

Employees must avoid conflicts of interest in business dealings. For instance, do not purchase goods or services on behalf of MDDL from a supplier where you or a family member has a financial interest, unless approved by MDDL’s CEO.

Serving as a director, officer, advisor, or consultant for another company is generally prohibited, except in certain approved circumstances.

Compliance with Laws, Rules, and Regulations

All MDDL employees must adhere to applicable laws, including local, state, and international regulations. Respecting local cultures and values is also crucial.

Some U.S. laws, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, apply to all MDDL employees worldwide. This act makes it illegal to offer bribes or improper payments to foreign officials.

Employees interacting with government officials must be familiar with lobbying laws and public disclosure requirements. If unsure, consult MDDL’s general counsel.

MDDL will not reimburse employees for illegal or improper payments, including those made to influence officials. Any gift to a public official requires pre-clearance from MDDL’s general counsel.